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SI Units

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Name Prefix Factor Factor


  • The yellow highlights are commonly used in Electronics and Computing.
  • The others are more exotic and/or extreme!
  • Note the lower case k for Kilo.
  • Using an upper case K is a common but unimportant mistake because it
    does not lead to ambiguity.


When plugging values into formulas ...

  • always use whole Volts, Amps, Farads, Watts, Hertz etc.

Commonly Needed Conversions

47 pF = 47 x 10-12 F

10 nF = 10 x 10-9 F

100 µF = 100 x 10-6 F

22 kΩ = 22 x 103 Ω

1.5 MΩ = 1.5 x 106 Ω

35 mW = 35 x 10-3 W

32 kHz = 32 x 103 Hz

Common Mistakes

  • Don't write MV when you mean mV.
  • The first is megavolts and the second is millivolts.
  • Only a 1000000000 times error!
  • If you have 1000 Ohms, that is one kilohm and not one killer-ohm.
  • Also say one megohm and not one mega-ohm
yocto y 10-24
zepto z 10-21
atto a 10-18
femto f 10-15
pico p 10-12 /1000000000000
nano n 10-9 /1000000000
micro µ 10-6 /1000000
milli m 10-3 /1000
centi c 10-2 /100
deci d 10-1 /10
deca da 101 x10
hecto h 102 x100
kilo k 103 x1000
mega M 106 x1000000
giga G 109 x1000000000
tera T 1012 x1000000000000
peta P 1015
exa E 1018
zetta Z 1021
yotta Y 1024




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