Schmitt Trigger |
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Here is a problem that the Schmitt trigger solves. You have built a circuit to turn on some lights when it gets dark. But when the lights turn on, it gets brighter so the lights go off again. But then it is too dark so they come on again - flashing on and off rapidly.
The Schmitt trigger solves this problem by having different threshold voltages for turning on and off.
When it gets dark, the lights come on. This makes it lighter but not light enough to turn the lights off again. Later when it gets light again, the lights go off. This makes it darker but not dark enough to turn the lights on again.
This behaviour is called hysteresis. The Schmitt trigger uses positive feedback to achieve this effect.
This is the simplest Schmitt trigger with positive feedback.
This is a comparator converted into a Schmitt trigger by adding one positive feedback resistor to give different on and off switching levels.
This plot shows the left Schmitt trigger behaviour.
As this is an inverting Schmitt Trigger, the output pulse is inverted relative to the input. Here you can see a very noisy input that would produce errors in four or five places with a simple comparator using the grey line reference voltage. The Schmitt trigger has two reference voltages. The input must go above the red line for a low output and below the blue line for a high output. This removes all noise unless the noise signal is so large that it exceeds the difference between the reference voltages. Although the amplitude noise is removed, there is still some timing noise called Jitter. The pulses might switch slightly too soon or too late. This can be removed with other digital techniques beyond A Level scope.
For the Falstad Circuit Simulation, CTRL+Click Schmitt Trigger Example
In options, check European Resistors and uncheck Conventional Current.
Adjust the slider SLOWLY and watch hysteresis in the XY oscilloscope plot.
Alternatively view Schmitt_Trigger.txt.
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This uses a voltage divider to produce a six volt level. The upper and lower switching levels in this exmple are 3V and 9V. The feedback resistors need to be much larger than the voltage divider resistors for this circuit to behave well.
For the Falstad Circuit Simulation, CTRL+Click Schmitt Trigger - Single Power Rail
In options, check European Resistors and uncheck Conventional Current.
Adjust the slider SLOWLY and watch hysteresis in the XY oscilloscope plot.
Alternatively view Schmitt_Trigger_Single.txt.
Save or copy the text on the web page. Import the saved or copied text into the Falstad simulator.
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