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aAnalogue Bandwidth
Measured in Hertz / Kilohertz / Megahertz / Gigahertz
bVoltage Bandwidth
- Voltage Bandwidth is the range of frequencies over which the output voltage is at least 0.7 times the maximum output voltage.
- In the image below, the 70% output voltage bandwidth goes from 2 or 3 Hz up to about 20000Hz.
- This is a 20 kHz (19998 Hz) bandwidth. The red arrow heads show this.
- This would be typical for an audio amplifier with a good bass response.
- Human hearing works for frequencies between 20 and 20,000 Hz.
- AM radio limits the bandwidth to 100 - 4000 Hz.
- Land-line phones limit the bandwidth to 300 - 3000 Hz.
- Bandwidth tells you the frequency range over which a circuit or transmission medium will operate.
- Bandwidth is measured in Hz, kHz, MHz, GHz, etc.
cPower Bandwidth
- Power Bandwidth is the range of frequencies over which the output power is at least 0.5 times the maximum output power.
- On the Y Axis the Power is 50%.

dHuman Hearing
- Normal human hearing covers the range from 20 to 20000 Hz. The upper limit drops with age and damage due to exposure to very loud sounds.
- AM radio limits the bandwidth to 4000 Hz. This allows more stations to share the radio band but the sound quality is less good.
- Old-style telephones limit the bandwidth to 3000 Hz. This is just sufficient for intelligible speech. Mobile phones do a bit better.
eDigital Bandwidth
Measured in bits per second.
Example: An Internet connection.
- using a modem 56kb/s is possible - this allows text, poor quality audio and slow image downloads.
- using ADSL Broadband, the bandwidth is between 512 Kb/s to 8Mb/s - this allows good quality audio, fast image downloads and video in a window the size of a postage stamp.
- faster versions of ADSL up to 100Mb/s are being rolled out (2011) - this will allow full screen high quality video.
- Note that b = bit and B = Byte. These are frequently confused.
reviseOmatic V3
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