Op Amp Gain Bandwidth Product |
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Gain Bandwidth Product (GBP) gives a measure of the performance of an Op Amp at higher frequencies.
A typical GBP value might be 1 MHz or 1000000 Hz.
This means that at 1 MHz, the amplifier gain has dropped to 1.
At any frequency you are interested in, the gain can be calculated from |
Gain = GBP / Frequency. |
So at 500 Hz, the gain is |
Gain = GBP / frequency = 1000000 / 500 = 2000 |
At the upper limit of human hearing (20 000 Hz) the gain is This means that you need to limit the gain to 50 or less over the audible frequency range to get a flat response or equal gain. |
Gain = GBP / frequency = 1000000 / 20000 = 50 |
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