GCSE Op Amp Amplifier System Comparator Gain Gain Bandwidth Inverting >Non-Inverting< Power Summing |
Op Amp Non-Inverting |
Gain = 1 + Rf / R1 = Vout / Vin The input impedance is infinity or equal to Rin if this is present. The output impedance is low.
Parasitic oscillations are caused by unwanted positive feedback, usually at higher frequencies. Lack of decoupling, poor layout and stray capacitance and resistance on prototype boards are all possible causes. This circuit shows some techniques to minimise the risk of oscillation. The feedback capacitor restricts high frequency performance. Some experimentation might be needed to get the right value. In some cases, the circuit will never work if built onto prototype board. A soldered circuit with all component lead lengths minimised might be needed.
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