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On the rising edge of the clock pulse, the next output goes high.
Data Sheet
- The yellow numbered pins are the outputs from 0 to 9.
- Only one output is high at any given moment.
- On the rising edge of the clock pulse, the counter is advanced by one if CI is low.
- MR is the Master Reset to reset the whole chip. The output is reset to zero and pin three becomes high.
- CP is the clock pulse input.
- CI is the clock inhibit input.
- If CI is high, the counter stops counting but is not reset.
- If more than one counter chip is being used, the O output can be used to clock the next chip.
- The chip can drive LEDs with about 4 mA flowing. In a 5 Volt circuit, use 680Ω current limiting resistors.
Decade Counter
For the Falstad Circuit Simulation, CTRL+Click Decade Counter
In options, check European Resistors and uncheck Conventional Current.
LEDs Flash in Sequence
Alternatively view 4017_Dacade_Counter.txt.
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