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Transducers Convert Energy To or From Electrical Energy
Input Transducers
Measure the world and generate a proportional electrical voltage or current. There are many examples. Here are four ...
- Microphone - Convert sound energy into a proportional voltage
- Thermistor - Convert temperature into a proportional voltage
- Light Dependent resistor - Convert light level into a proportional voltage
- Potentiometer - Convert angular position into a proportional voltage
Output Transducers
Convert an electrical voltage or current into sound, light, movement or temperature. There are many examples. Here are several ...
- Loudspeaker - Convert alternating electric currents into sound energy
- Heater - Convert current into heat and cause the temperature to rise
- LED or Bulb - Convert an electric current into light using a bulb, LED or other type of display.
- Actuators - Convert an electric current into movement using a solenoid, motor, stepper motor or servo.
Categorising Input Transducers
Active Sensors - Contain Semiconductors |
Passive Sensors |
Analogue Sensors |
- Electret Microphone - contains an FET pre-amp
- Accelerometer - Detect the orientation of a phone
- Light Dependent resistor
- Thermistor
- Potentiometer
- Moving Coil Microphone
- Conducting Polymer - Changes resistance when deformed.
- Hall effect sensor - Measures magnetic fields.
- Capacitor - Capacitance changes with the input
- plate overlap might change
- plate spacing might change
- material between the plates might change
Digital Sensors |
- Optical Switch - IR-LED with photodiode and a transistor switch
- Shaft Encoders
- Switch - Resistance = zero or infinity.
- Microswitch
- Reed Switch
- Any kind of switch
reviseOmatic V3
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