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Motor Properties
- Motors convert electrical energy into rotational movement.
- Linear motors also exist. They provide straight line movement. Wikipedia
Conventional Motors have Two Power Connections

Normal motors run at a speed determined by the power supply voltage and the load on the motor. This is fine for devices like cooling fans or motors used to drive vehicles.
- These spin in a fairly uncontrolled way.
- They are useful for propelling vehicles, powering fans or spinning the washing.
- It is possible to measure how fast the motor is spinning but the exact position of the motor is not generally known.
- These motors can be any size including huge motors for driving ships or trains.
- It's easy to make a big powerful motor
- It's easy to make a motor that runs at high speeds
- Simple switches or electronics are used for power control
- They are efficient - most of the electrical energy is converted into mechanical form
- QE2 Engine Room - Big Motors 9 metres across.
Motor Drivers
- MOSFET switches are commonly used.
- The Back EMF Diode is important.
It protects the MOSFET from high voltages.
It prevents sudden current changes in the motor which would cause the damaging back EMF voltages..
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