GCSE Microcontroller Appliances Flow Charts Input Interfacing Internet of Things Vehicles Picaxe 01 Programming Editor 02 LED Flash 03 Happy 04 OLED Text >05 ADC OLED< 06 Insulter |
Picaxe 05 ADC OLED |
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Input - Measure a sensor using the ADC to read the analogue input and convert to digital.
Process - Convert the ADC binary number reading into three text characters so 123 becomes "1", "2", "3"
Output - Display the text characters on the OLED display.
This makes quite a nice project. Measure something and display the measurement. It's quite easy to add features like playing different alarm sounds if the input reading is too large or too small. This example uses an LDR. A thermistor could be used instead to measure temperature.
Instead of displaying the measurement, you could activate outputs instead. For examlple turn on the lights when it gets dark or activate the icy road warning if it gets cold.
The diode protects against reverse power connections.
The 1K resistor and the LDR make a voltage divider.
It the light gets brighter, the LDR resistance gets less and the output voltage to C.1 goes up.
This gives a larger number on the OLED display.
The OLED numbers can go from 000 to 255.
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