Infrared Data Link |
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Two pull down switches are used as Picaxe data inputs allowing up to four text messages to be sent.
The sample code below does not use these.
The 1K resistors give a safe hardware interface.
If the Picaxe code is wrong and C.0 or C.1 are accidentally configured as outputs, the current is limited and there will be no damage.
The Infrared LED is wired to B.7. The other leg should go to ground but B.6 held LOW does the trick too.
There is no current limiting resistor as these are built into our Picaxe boards. 330R should be used if necessary.
The two zener diodes ensure correct voltages reach the OLED or LCD display.
The 5.1V Zener diode to ensures a 5 Volt supply for the OLED or LCD display.
; ================================ ; ===== Infrared Transmitter ===== ; ================================ SETFREQ M4 CALL WAIT1000MS LOW 6 START: CALL blank CALL WAIT1000MS CALL TESTTEXT CALL WAIT1000MS JMP START ; ====================================== ; A subroutine to blank both lines. ; ====================================== blank: serout 7, N2400, (254, 128) ' Blank First Line serout 7, N2400, (" ") serout 7, N2400, (254, 192) ' Blank Second Line serout 7, N2400, (" ") ret ; ====================================== ; ====================================== ; A subroutine to show some test text. ; ====================================== TESTTEXT: serout 7, N2400, (254, 128) ' First Line serout 7, N2400, ("0123456789ABCDEF") serout 7, N2400, (254, 192) ' Second Line serout 7, N2400, ("FEDCBA9876543210") ret ; ======================================
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