Picaxe Traffic Lights |
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The LED safety resistors are wired onto the ENSFC Picaxe board.
; =================================== ; TO LIGHT A LED, ZERO IS NEEDED ; TIMING IS NOT REALISTIC ; =================================== start: ; RAGxxGAR movw 0x7B ; 01111011 = 0x7B movwr portb call wait1000ms ; RAGxxGAR movw 0x55 ; ???????? = 0x?? Work it out! movwr portb call wait1000ms ; RAGxxGAR movw 0xAA ; ???????? = 0x?? Work it out! movwr portb call wait1000ms ; RAGxxGAR movw 0x55 ; ???????? = 0x?? Work it out! movwr portb call wait1000ms jmp start
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