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PIC16F88 Shoe String Programmer

Microcontrollers are simple but complete computers on a single silicon chip wafer. All the essential hardware is present, including the clock, memory, arithmetic and logic units, input and output subsystems and the firmware in ROM allowing the chip to be programmed. The chips contain both volatile and non-volatile memory. Many versions of the chips are available, balancing cost, speed, number of I/O connections and optional subsystems built into the chip.

These pages use the "Bare Metal" tools from - useful skills!

PIC16F88 Pinout

Chip Properties

Source: Page 161 of the data sheet above.

In Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP)

Shoestring Programmer - Powered from USB

Circuit and Layout Diagram

PIC16F88 Shoe String Programmer

Power the Board From USB - 20mA Limit

In MPLAB-X, to power your board from the USB cable, use:   File ↠ Project Properties ↠ Set it up like this.

Project Properties

Circuit Board and Layout - Not Normally Powered from USB

This is a home made board. The circuit diagram is below. The PICkit3 is plugged into the board ready for programming. Jumper leads connect to port pins.

Amazon ASIN: B00XBP8472 - Larger Raspberry Pi Proto Breadboard. There is an alternative smaller board - ASIN: B010VTVVHA.

PIC16F88 RasPI Big Board Layout

This board is designed to run on 8 to 14 Volts. The voltage regulator could be left out to run the board on 4.5 to 5 Volts. All the I/O pins have hard-wired current limiting resistors. Many students forget to include them when needed. Indeed I've already been saved by these resistors and I'm supposed to be the expert! The resistors have minimal effect if the pins are used as inputs.

A few times, I've accidentally reprogrammed my chip with LEDs connected to lines used by the programmer. It worked fine with apparently, no harm done. The programmer is on the safe side of the current limiting resistors.

The 7805 voltage regulator could do with a heatsink as it often runs rather hot. High current output devices should be powered separately.

Layout for the PIC16F88 Programmer and PICkit3

Approximate Circuit Layout

PIC16F88 RasPI Big Board Layout

This circuit was designed to run on an 8 to 14 Volt supply. If you don't need the higher voltages and there are no high current devices in your circuit, it can be powered via the PICkit3 from a USB port with a 20mA limit (a couple of LEDs).




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