PIC16F88 0D Multiplex |
PORTA selects one of the four displays by setting the appropriate pin high.
PORTB lights the wanted segments on the selected display by setting the appropriate pin/s low.
If all four segments are used, they are each active 25% of the time. This makes the display dimmer than it might otherwise be.
To cure this disadvantage, the data would need to be latched for each display, adding complexity to the circuit.
The current could be quadrupled but not without blowing the microcontroller. High current drivers could be added though.
This program activates each display for about 0. 25 ms every 1 ms. This is a frame rate of 1000 Hz.
Flicker becomes noticeable below 50 Hz and intrusive below 25 Hz.
It's often useful to have a quick and dirty program to test the hardware. This one activates each segment in turn slowly enough to see if each one lights up.
;******************************************************************************* ; INPUT: None. ; PROCESS: One by one, activate each of the 32 display segments. ; Repeat the test for ever. ; OUTPUT: One LED at a time will light up. Every LED should flash once. ;******************************************************************************* ; PIC16F88 Configuration Bit Settings ;******************************************************************************* #include "p16f88.inc" ; CONFIG1 and CONFIG2 __CONFIG _CONFIG1, _FOSC_INTOSCIO & _WDTE_OFF & _PWRTE_OFF & _MCLRE_OFF & _BOREN_ON & _LVP_OFF & _CPD_OFF & _WRT_OFF & _CCPMX_RB0 & _CP_OFF __CONFIG _CONFIG2, _FCMEN_ON & _IESO_ON ;******************************************************************************* ; Uninitialised Data - Reserve bytes here ... ;******************************************************************************* UDATA DelCount RES 1 ; reserves 1 byte - OK with simulator run-time watch RES_VECT CODE 0x0000 ; processor reset to vector address zero GOTO START ; go to beginning of program MAIN_PROG CODE ; let linker place main program START: ; INITIALISATION bsf STATUS, RP0 ; Select bank 1. movlw b'00000000' ; Set all port pins to output / Disable ADC / Set for digital i/o movwf ADCON1 ; Disble ADC module (Never leave this to chance) movwf ANSEL ; Set analog i/o for digital i/o (Never leave this to chance) movwf TRISA ; Set porta - RA5 is input only so this bit is ignored movwf TRISB ; Set portb bcf STATUS, RP0 ; Select bank 0. MYREPEAT: MOVLW 0x2 ; Left hand segments MOVWF PORTA ; Multiplex port output CALL test_display MOVLW 0x4 ; Second segments MOVWF PORTA ; Multiplex port output CALL test_display MOVLW 0x8 ; Third segments MOVWF PORTA ; Multiplex port output CALL test_display MOVLW 0x10 ; Right hand segments MOVWF PORTA ; Multiplex port output CALL test_display GOTO MYREPEAT ;******************************************************************************* ; Test Segments ;******************************************************************************* test_display: MOVLW 0xFE ; Segment A MOVWF PORTB ; Multiplex port output CALL MyDelay MOVLW 0xFD ; Segment B MOVWF PORTB ; Multiplex port output CALL MyDelay MOVLW 0xFB ; Segment C MOVWF PORTB ; Multiplex port output CALL MyDelay MOVLW 0xF7 ; Segment D MOVWF PORTB ; Multiplex port output CALL MyDelay MOVLW 0xEF ; Segment E MOVWF PORTB ; Multiplex port output CALL MyDelay MOVLW 0xDF ; Segment F MOVWF PORTB ; Multiplex port output CALL MyDelay MOVLW 0xBF ; Segment G MOVWF PORTB ; Multiplex port output CALL MyDelay MOVLW 0x7F ; Segment Decimal Point MOVWF PORTB ; Multiplex port output CALL MyDelay MOVLW 0xFF ; Blank Display MOVWF PORTB ; Multiplex port output CALL MyDelay RETURN ;******************************************************************************* ; Count down from 255 to zero and execute some NOPs to slow everything down. ;******************************************************************************* MyDelay: MOVLW 0xFF MOVWF DelCount MyDeloop: NOP NOP NOP NOP DECFSZ DelCount, F GOTO MyDeloop RETURN END
;******************************************************************************* ; PIC16F88 Configuration Bit Settings ;******************************************************************************* #include "p16F88.inc" ; CONFIG1 - Internal oscillator - Want I/O - Everything else turned off __CONFIG _CONFIG1, _FOSC_INTOSCIO & _WDTE_OFF & _PWRTE_OFF & _MCLRE_OFF & _BOREN_OFF & _LVP_OFF & _CPD_OFF & _WRT_OFF & _CCPMX_RB0 & _CP_OFF ; CONFIG2 - Turn on both __CONFIG _CONFIG2, _FCMEN_ON & _IESO_ON ;******************************************************************************* ; Uninitialised Data - Reserve bytes here ... ;******************************************************************************* UDATA ones RES 1 ; reserves 1 byte - OK with simulator run-time watch tens RES 1 hundreds RES 1 thousands RES 1 DelCount RES 1 PortaTemp RES 1 ; To save and restore PORTA during the interrupt ;******************************************************************************* ; RESET VECTOR ;******************************************************************************* RES_VECT CODE 0x0000 ; processor reset vector GOTO CODE_INIT ; beginning of program, initialise stuff ;******************************************************************************* ; INTERRUPT HANDLING ;******************************************************************************* ISR CODE 0x0004 ; The interrupt vector location is always 0x0004 GOTO ISR_HANDLER ; Jump to the Interrupt handling code ;******************************************************************************* ; MAIN PROGRAM - CODE INITIALISATION ;******************************************************************************* MAIN_PROG CODE ; let linker place main program CODE_INIT: ; INITIALISATION CALL CLOCK_INIT ; Set the clock frequency CALL PORT_INIT ; Set up I/O Port Directions CALL VAR_INIT ; Initialise Variable/s CALL TIMER_INIT ; Set up Timer0 CALL TIMER_START ; Start Timer0 BANKSEL PORTA ; Clear RP0 in STATUS to select Memory Bank 0 GOTO MUX_Loop ; Jump to Infinite Loop to Multiplex the Displays ;******************************************************************************* ; INTERRUPT SUBROUTINE ; This ought to save and restore the complete context ; In this example PORTA must be saved and restored ;******************************************************************************* ISR_HANDLER: MOVWF PortaTemp ; Save PORTA - Prevent display glitches CALL IncCounter ; Add one to the four digit counter CALL TIMER_START ; Start Timer0 MOVF PortaTemp, W ; Restore PORTA - Prevent display glitches RETFIE ; Return from interrupt ;******************************************************************************* ; INITIALISE CLOCK FREQUENCY - 4MHz - 1 microsecond per instruction ;******************************************************************************* CLOCK_INIT: BANKSEL OSCCON movlw b'01100000' ; -110---- 4 MHz movwf OSCCON ; At 4 MHz it's one microsecond per line of code. RETURN ;******************************************************************************* ; INITIALISE PORTS ;******************************************************************************* PORT_INIT: BANKSEL TRISA ; Set RP0 in STATUS to select Memory Bank 1 MOVLW b'00000000' ; Disable ADC / Set for digital i/o MOVWF ADCON1 ; Disble ADC module (Never leave this to chance) MOVWF ANSEL ; Turn off analog i/o. Select digital i/o (Never leave this to chance) MOVLW b'00000000' ; Eight output lines MOVWF TRISA ; Set PORTA as Outputs - Remember RA5 is input only MOVWF TRISB ; Set PORTB as Outputs RETURN ;******************************************************************************* ; INITIALISE VARIABLES ;******************************************************************************* VAR_INIT: BANKSEL PORTA ; Clear RP0 in STATUS to select Memory Bank 0 MOVLW d'0'. ; Initial value MOVWF ones ; initialise to zero MOVLW d'0' ; Just in case we don't want another zero MOVWF tens ; initialise to zero MOVLW d'0' MOVWF hundreds ; initialise to zero MOVLW d'0' MOVWF thousands ; initialise to zero RETURN ;******************************************************************************* ; INITIALISE TIMER0 ;******************************************************************************* TIMER_INIT: BANKSEL TRISA ; Set RP0 in STATUS to select Memory Bank 1 CLRWDT ; Clear the Watchdog Timer and prescaler MOVLW b'00000110' ; 1:64 TMR0 rate prescaling - If simulating reduce to 1:4 or 1:8 MOVWF OPTION_REG ; The prescaler settings are stored in OPTION_REG BSF INTCON, GIE ; Turn on interupts globally BSF INTCON, TMR0IE ; Turn on Timer0 interupts RETURN ;******************************************************************************* ; START TIMER ;******************************************************************************* TIMER_START: BANKSEL PORTA ; Clear RP0 in STATUS to select Memory Bank 0 BCF INTCON, TMR0IF ; Clear the TMR0IF flag MOVLW d'10' ; TMR0 counts from 10 to 256 - If simulating, 250 might be better MOVWF TMR0 ; 10 copied into TMR0 RETURN ;******************************************************************************* ; MUX_Loop sends the multiplexed binary to the four displays ; At regular intervals, it's interrupted and one is added to the counter ;******************************************************************************* MUX_Loop: MOVLW 0x0 ; Blank digit - prevent display glitches MOVWF PORTA MOVF ones, W ; Copy the ones digit into WREG CALL SEV_SEG ; Return the binary to light the segments into WREG MOVWF PORTB MOVLW 0x10 ; Show right hand digit by MOVWF PORTA ; copying 0x10 to PORTA MOVLW 0x30 MOVWF DelCount Deloop1: NOP NOP DECFSZ DelCount, F GOTO Deloop1 MOVLW 0x0 ; Blank second digit - prevent display glitches MOVWF PORTA MOVF tens, W ; Copy the tens digit into WREG CALL SEV_SEG ; Return the binary to light the segments into WREG MOVWF PORTB MOVLW 0x8 ; Show second digit by MOVWF PORTA ; copying 0x8 to PORTA MOVLW 0x30 MOVWF DelCount Deloop2: NOP NOP DECFSZ DelCount, F GOTO Deloop2 MOVLW 0x0 ; Blank third digit - prevent display glitches MOVWF PORTA MOVF hundreds, W ; Copy the hundreds digit into WREG CALL SEV_SEG ; Return the binary to light the segments into WREG MOVWF PORTB MOVLW 0x4 ; Show third digit by MOVWF PORTA ; copying 0x4 to PORTA MOVLW 0x30 MOVWF DelCount Deloop3: NOP NOP DECFSZ DelCount, F GOTO Deloop3 MOVLW 0x0 ; Blank left digit - prevent display glitches MOVWF PORTA MOVF thousands, W ; Copy the thousands digit into WREG CALL SEV_SEG ; Return the binary to light the segments into WREG MOVWF PORTB MOVLW 0x2 ; Show left hand digit by MOVWF PORTA ; copying 0x2 to PORTA MOVLW 0x30 MOVWF DelCount Deloop4: NOP NOP DECFSZ DelCount, F GOTO Deloop4 GOTO MUX_Loop ;******************************************************************************* ; Add one to the four digit counter. If it was on 9999 reset it to zero ;******************************************************************************* IncCounter: Ones: INCF ones MOVLW d'10' SUBWF ones, W BTFSS STATUS, Z ; Will be set if ones has reached 10 RETURN ; No need to do the rest Tens: MOVLW 0x00 MOVWF ones ; Reset ones to zero INCF tens MOVLW d'10' SUBWF tens, W BTFSS STATUS, Z ; Will be set if tens has reached 100 RETURN ; No need to do the rest Hundreds: MOVLW 0x00 MOVWF tens ; Reset tens to zero INCF hundreds MOVLW d'10' SUBWF hundreds, W BTFSS STATUS, Z ; Will be set if hundreds has reached 1000 RETURN ; No need to do the rest Thousands: MOVLW 0x00 MOVWF hundreds ; Reset hundreds to zero INCF thousands MOVLW d'10' SUBWF thousands, W BTFSS STATUS, Z ; Will be set if thousands has reached 10000 RETURN ; No need to do the rest MOVLW 0x00 MOVWF thousands ; Reset thousands to zero RETURN ;******************************************************************************* ; DATA TABLE FOR THE SEVEN SEGMENT DISPLAY ; INPUT: The table position in WREG ; PROCESS: Add WREG to PCL. It's like "GOTO Table Position" ; OUTPUT: Return the data using RETLW ;******************************************************************************* SEV_SEG: addwf PCL, 1 ; GOTO table position and Return the byte in the WREG retlw 0xC0 ; 0 - Turn on the correct segments to show a zero retlw 0xF9 ; 1 retlw 0xA4 ; 2 retlw 0xB0 ; 3 retlw 0x99 ; 4 retlw 0x92 ; 5 retlw 0x82 ; 6 retlw 0xF8 ; 7 retlw 0x80 ; 8 retlw 0x98 ; 9 retlw 0x7F ; Decimal Point END
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