PIC16F88 0A Data Table |
The control data to make the display count is stored in a data table.
This PIC family has a neat feature where you can store the data table position into WREG and call a subroutine containing the data. The subroutine adds the table position to PCL, the program counter. The subroutine returns immediately with the data you need, stored in WREG. In small programs, this is easy. In larger programs that span more than one memory page, it's more of a brain teaser to get it to work. Google knows how. The technique uses RETLW. This is not mentioned in the WJEC/Eduqas sample assessment material but it's too useful to ignore, especially for project work.
This is the first example program where some effort has been made to structure the code better.
The code and data are separated.
The code is quite modular.
;******************************************************************************* ; PIC16F88 Configuration Bit Settings ;******************************************************************************* #include "p16F88.inc" ; CONFIG1 - Internal oscillator - Want I/O - Everything else turned off __CONFIG _CONFIG1, _FOSC_INTOSCIO & _WDTE_OFF & _PWRTE_OFF & _MCLRE_OFF & _BOREN_OFF & _LVP_OFF & _CPD_OFF & _WRT_OFF & _CCPMX_RB0 & _CP_OFF ; CONFIG2 - Turn on both __CONFIG _CONFIG2, _FCMEN_ON & _IESO_ON ;******************************************************************************* ; Uninitialised Data - Reserve bytes here ... ;******************************************************************************* UDATA MyCount RES 1 ; reserves 1 byte - OK with simulator debug ;******************************************************************************* ; RESET VECTOR ;******************************************************************************* RES_VECT CODE 0x0000 ; processor reset vector GOTO CODE_INIT ; beginning of program, initialise stuff ;******************************************************************************* ; INTERRUPT HANDLING ;******************************************************************************* ISR CODE 0x0004 ; The interrupt vector location is always 0x0004 GOTO ISR_HANDLER ; Jump to the Interrupt handling code ;******************************************************************************* ; MAIN PROGRAM - CODE INITIALISATION ;******************************************************************************* MAIN_PROG CODE ; let linker place main program CODE_INIT: ; INITIALISATION CALL PORT_INIT ; Set up I/O Port Directions CALL VAR_INIT ; Initialise Variable/s CALL TIMER_INIT ; Set up Timer0 CALL TIMER_START ; Start Timer0 GOTO IDLE_LOOP ; Jump to the Infinite Idle Loop ;******************************************************************************* ; INTERRUPT SUBROUTINE ; This ought to save and restore the context ; It's not secessary in this simple example ;******************************************************************************* ISR_HANDLER: BCF STATUS, RP0 ; Select memory bank 0. DECFSZ MyCount, 1 ; Decrement MyCount - result into MyCount GOTO MY_COUNT_NOT_ZERO CALL SET_PORTS CALL VAR_INIT RETFIE ; Return from interrupt MY_COUNT_NOT_ZERO: CALL SET_PORTS RETFIE ; Return from interrupt ;******************************************************************************* ; INITIALISE PORTS ;******************************************************************************* PORT_INIT: BSF STATUS, RP0 ; Select memory bank 1. MOVLW b'00000000' ; Disable ADC / Set for digital i/o MOVWF ADCON1 ; Disble ADC module (Never leave this to chance) MOVWF ANSEL ; Turn off analog i/o. Select digital i/o (Never leave this to chance) MOVLW b'11111111' ; Eight Input lines MOVWF TRISA ; Set PORTA as Inputs - Remember RA5 is input only MOVLW b'00000000' ; Eight output lines MOVWF TRISB ; Set PORTB as outputs RETURN ;******************************************************************************* ; INITIALISE VARIABLES ;******************************************************************************* VAR_INIT: BCF STATUS, RP0 ; Select memory bank 0. MOVLW 0x0B ; Initialise MyCount MOVWF MyCount ; to d'11' RETURN ;******************************************************************************* ; INITIALISE TIMER0 ;******************************************************************************* TIMER_INIT: BSF STATUS, RP0 ; Select memory bank 1. CLRWDT ; Clear the Watchdog Timer and prescaler MOVLW b'00000110' ; 1:64 TMR0 rate prescaling - If simulating reduce to 1:4 or 1:8 MOVWF OPTION_REG ; The prescaler settings are stored in OPTION_REG BSF INTCON, GIE ; Turn on interupts globally BSF INTCON, TMR0IE ; Turn on Timer0 interupts RETURN ;******************************************************************************* ; START TIMER ;******************************************************************************* TIMER_START: BCF STATUS, RP0 ; Select memory bank 0. BCF INTCON, TMR0IF ; Clear the TMR0IF flag MOVLW d'220' ; TMR0 counts from 220 to 256 - If simulating, 250 might be better MOVWF TMR0 ; 220 copied into TMR0 RETURN ;******************************************************************************* ; Send data to the ports ;******************************************************************************* SET_PORTS: BCF STATUS, RP0 ; Select memory bank 0. MOVF MyCount, 0 ; Copy MyCount to WREG CALL SEV_SEG ; Returns with WREG containing a control byte MOVWF PORTB ; Copy WREG to PORTB CALL TIMER_START ; Re-start the timer RETURN ;******************************************************************************* ; The Idle Loop ; MS Windows has an "idle process" which waits for the user to do something. ;******************************************************************************* IDLE_LOOP: NOP NOP ; NOPs make the code execution obvious in the simulator NOP ; Leave them out in real life NOP GOTO IDLE_LOOP ;******************************************************************************* ; DATA FOR THE SEVEN SEGMENT DISPLAY - Must not cross a page boundary ;******************************************************************************* SEV_SEG: addwf PCL, 1 ; GOTO table position and Return the byte in the WREG retlw 0x98 ; 9 - Turn on the correct segments to show a 9 retlw 0x80 ; 8 retlw 0xF8 ; 7 retlw 0x82 ; 6 retlw 0x92 ; 5 retlw 0x99 ; 4 retlw 0xB0 ; 3 retlw 0xA4 ; 2 retlw 0xF9 ; 1 retlw 0xC0 ; 0 retlw 0x7F ; Decimal Point END
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